The Problems caused by the digital divide

Today, we live in a highly developed digital environment. Since Jan. 9, 2007, starting with the iPhone 3, digital devices have become miniaturized and closely influenced our lives. In addition, among people quarantined due to COVID-19, digital devices have become central to education and various industries beyond the role of communication. We face the economic, cultural, and social problems that have occurred due to the lack of information power in developing countries that have not been as digitalized as the developed nations.

1. The fundamental reason that the digital divide is created
The digital divide means that accessibility from ICT is reduced due to social and economic factors. Although the main factors may differ from country to country, the most fundamental factor in most countries is economic power. The more significant the gap in economic growth is, the more pronounced the digital divide can become. In developed countries, economic conditions for access to digital systems are better than in developing countries. To put it a little simpler, it means that some people can use it quickly and inexpensively, but others have to access it with extra spending of their income and more difficulty. In particular, this problem is becoming more prominent as the overall offline system of society is paralyzed due to COVID-19.

2. Problems of the digital divide
The starting point of the digital divide starts with the hardware. Basically, since the beginning of the information age, the specifications of electronic devices have been developed, and prices have increased accordingly. Therefore, if the economic conditions are not sufficient, there is no opportunity to own a device. Furthermore, in developing countries, internal and external support for the underprivileged is urgently needed because enormous economic power is required to solve these problems. Another problem of the same type is software. Most software requires payment to be used except for open-source programs like Linux and Android. This lowers the accessibility of the class with low purchasing power and, as a result, creates a layer of information.
These problems are seriously highlighted at the national level. In the global market that is becoming digital, certain classes have no choice but to remain in the offline market. As the quarantine between people started as COVID-19 broke out, the offline market fell, while the online market grew. It is changing the market worldwide.

A more severe problem is the formation of an informatization barrier. While the software barriers get higher, the digital divide gets severe. In the global market that is being digitalized, certain classes have no choice but to remain in the offline market. As the quarantine between people started on the outbreak of COVID-19, the offline market collapsed at a frightening speed while the online market grew. However, if the information balance continues, a marginalized class, without even getting an opportunity in a new market, will be created, which is expected to increase the possibility of developing into a global social problem, not just a national problem.

3. Possible factors to solve the problem
The positive thing is that various social groups and companies are trying to find solutions to these problems, and there are results. One of the best practices for this is OLPC (One Laptop Per Child), a non-profit organization founded by professors at the University of Massachusetts Media Lab. Through investments and donations, they provide laptops to children in developing countries at the price of $100. Their efforts give great hope to children in an environment that needs digital education but is inevitably marginalized. Moreover, the OS they use on their device also gives hints about the software. OLPC’s devices are based on the open-source Linux OS. Accessibility is maximized by forming a consortium of open sources. Of course, it is not entirely compatible with other OSs, but it suggests development. In addition, experts with general knowledge of devices and software are highly likely to be used to build their digital infrastructure by creating their consortiums and collaboration.

The digital divide is a topic emerging as a national problem in the rapidly changing digital society. The difference in the amount of information from the most basic hardware dissemination problem to the purchasing power of software has been treated as a severe problem. It is evaluated that it is having a significant impact from the primary social foundation on the country’s competitiveness. Many social enterprises and national level support are being delayed in solving this problem, so experts agree that we need to take it more seriously.


  1. Digital divide. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 June 2021].
    Dijk, J., n.d. The digital divide.
    van Dijk, J. and Hacker, K., 2003. The Digital Divide as a Complex and Dynamic Phenomenon. The Information Society, 19(4), pp.315
By JunKi Lee

Have a strong background in project management and building up institution relations. Experienced in all the stages of O2O businesses.

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