Student Voice – Haruto.I EN

Name : Haruto.I
Age : 20
Nationality : Japanese
Start date : 2021-08-30
Gender : Male
Major : Business

-Why did you choose Concordia?
I chose Concordia because I could get a bachelor’s degree in two years studying at an overseas university, and I could go on to school without lagging behind others. The reason I decided to go on to university was that I worked for a public servant after I graduate from high school, but I felt even if I quit this job now, I couldn’t find an ideal position, so I decided to go on to the university to expand my future career. I hesitated about going to university in Japan, but I felt like I could only go to a low-ranked university after taking the entrance exam studying, so I thought going to a university abroad would be a great advantage when I find a job in the future.

-Any concerns about stuyding abroad?
It’s my first time studying abroad, so I’m honestly worried if there are any discriminations or else. I will be careful not to go to the back alleys or dangerous areas.

-Any experiences study abroad before?
I have no experience studying abroad. I just traveled to Hong Kong before!

-Any plans after the graduation?
I honestly want to get an academic background first, which is my top priority at the moment. I think it won’t be too late to think about it after getting a good educational background first.

By Jenny Kim
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