CIC Newsletter Volume 13 (OUR CORE FUNCTIONS)

O U R  C O R E  F U N C T I O N S

We present our   core functions by way of   BOLD STATEMENTS  –  our  road map to a  range of  educational highlights   affecting  global enterprise and Concordia itself.

1.  Student Focus:  Our first bold statement is dedicated  to  total client  solutions-  a strategy  for  our students.  We will increase  our customer focus, aligning our objectives that relate to other core functions such as  accountability, teamwork and alignment.

                                      This is  what we have to say! 

  Statement:   We at Concordia Global  will  deliver the highest  value and services to our  students with consistency and reliability. We will create and communicate this  compelling vision to our people. 

2.  Accountability:  Our students and alumni are the  most  important assets  in our  organization. Historically we  have been internally focused or highly regulated but today,  we will be more client-  and  market- driven.

•  Statement:  Concordia Global  will be accountable to our students, partners and our  people in a way never seen before. We see this as our moving force to continuous improvement   from end- to-  end profitability and performance. 

By Will lee

He is a Concordia International University student from Korea.

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