Can smartphones and schools coexist, or should phones be banned from school?

School is a vital part of our lives, and cell phones are among the leading technologies we use daily. We try to combine them, but they may not be a good match. Various consequences may easily arise when most students are on their phones at school; however, as a high-technology, smartphones also bring us information from all over the internet that further benefits our learning. The argument over whether smartphones are useful or distracting in school may present us with varying degrees of biases. It all depends on how students deal with their cell phones in the classroom. Nevertheless, keeping phones away should be a voluntary move done by students, not a policy mandated by teachers.

Phones should be considered your “biggest enemy” that impedes you from learning. They make distractions, lead to issues, and even cause anxiety to students with a lack of autonomy. The sole objective of a student is to learn; however, can a student really resist checking out their vibrating phone in their pocket or a text message sent by their best buddy? With that being said, many students already have issues with staying focused on a specific task assigned. There is no doubt that their phone will distract them. According to the article Schools Ban Phones to Improve Student Concentration” from Student News Daily, “smartphones have long been a scourge for teachers and administrators” because it makes it even harder for the teacher to keep the class in order. Cell phones are dangerous and addictive if you do not use them properly. On the other hand, they are quite beneficial if used properly. 

Students with autonomous skills do have the ability to keep their phones with them, and their phone plays a significant role in being an exclusive study tool for them. Technology can improve your knowledge retention, and it allows you to reference others’ ideas to make you think critically. Dictionaries, online resources, and study guides all come in handy with this “helper.” In addition, based on the article, another distraction happens when students are obligated to keep their phones away – “withdrawal pangs”. Although the opinions on this topic could be coming from biases, the article maintained a neutral position by discussing both scenarios, and the fact that technologies can help students’ efficiency is true.

Overall, cell phones can be our “best companion” or major problem in school. It all depends on how wisely and effectively we use it. The advantages of banning students from using phones overweigh the benefits of allowing the students to use their phones. No matter how hard one tries to not be disturbed by their phone, schools have their most advanced “resource”–teachers, so why not depend on them instead of online resources? “Even adults cannot keep themselves away from the temptation of their mobile phones, so how can minors not be distracted?” Please use your phone with caution and pay more attention to lectures presented by your teachers.

Citation: “Schools Ban Phones to Improve Student Concentration.” Student News Daily, 21 Jan. 2020,

By Yichun Eason Shi

Hello I am a Concordia Ontario Academy Student Reporter

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