The Importance of Customer Service in the Hotel Industry

Customer service is the assistance you offer your customers and satisfy them with when they buy and use your products or services. It helps leaving customers with good memories about you and your service. Providing high-quality customer service is vital if you want to retain customers and increase your income. Contemporary customer service is beyond the traditional telephone service because it is available online via email, text message, and social media. Many companies try to provide support so that customers can receive answers at any time, day or night. Customer support is an essential part of the promise your brand makes to its customers.

The Importance of Efficient Customer Service in the Hospitality Industry
According to the growth of the tourism industry, this industry has significant economic power, including employment, income, and tax. In addition to this, the hospitality industry has become a key factor in a country. Therefore, customer service also has become one of the essential parts of this field.
Customers want to get excellent service when they buy products or services, as much as they paid. Also, they look forward to being treated with the best services. For this reason, many companies train employees to focus on treating customers well and research various customer service programs to keep high customer retention.
Nowadays, many customers write reviews and feedback on websites or social media, so many people can see these review sites. Bad feedback results in a decrease in your customers because they prefer to choose hotels with the best customer reviews. As technologies develop, to manage online sites, hotels and other industries should more focus on customer service to get better reviews.

The Needs and Demands of Hotel Customers
Today, our lives are improved compared to the past, thanks to better workplaces, wages, and quality of life. Consequently, many people are wealthier, and people’s quality of life in their lives and workplaces has become relaxed. Furthermore, they found a lot of free time and afford to travel or buy something for themselves. That is why people’s expectations also have increased in modern times because they expect great services in exchange for the money they spend. Customers who stay in a hotel require excellent services. For instance, being offered a comprehensive and comfortable suite and being served high-quality meals and beverages are fundamental customer requirements. Hotel companies should know and prepare what customers need.

Determining the Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Hotels
It is challenging to satisfy all customers. However, there are some ways to meet their demands. First of all, employers and employees should understand what customers want. For example, many people want to swim and do some water activities in summer, so preparing facilities, such as water pool or water activities at the beach or a lake is quite crucial for customers. Secondly, building relationships with the customers through loyalty programs, as the Marriott Group does, is necessary. They provide a lot of benefits to customers who stay long days in their companies’ hotel. As such, it is an excellent way to maintain customer relationships. Another way is using modern technologies because it is beneficial and comfortable when you contact customers and offer services. Using as many modern devices as possible is good to improve service quality. Moreover, customers can feel more comfortable when they make a reservation or stay.


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Small Business – 2021. Importance of Customer Service in Hospitality & Tourism. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 June 2021].
Our Insight. 2021. Why Good Customer Service is Important. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 June 2021].
Hudson, S. and Hudson, L., 2021. Customer service for hospitality and tourism.

By DeukHun Kang

I am majoring in hospitality management in university. I'm still in university and I don't have any work or internship experience. I like to converse with many people and collaborate with other people.

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