CIC Newsletter Volume 13 (“Our keys to Concordia Global in achieving its goals.”)

As we welcome  another year , we  are proud to feature Concordia’s  transformational projects.  In 2013 and beyond, we see ourselves in  an  organization with continued  successes and capabilities, as  E learning is applied  in our different campuses.

We renew  commitment to our  mission through  consistency and predictability.  It was  more than a year ago that we were  in the middle of challenges that led to difficult decisions, but we made many  strides toward more visibility and highlights.

In this issue, Concordia Global has identified the key areas to achieving our goals.  These are :  first-  our students as our focus and  source of positive momentum, second-  collaboration and cooperation with partners to successfully impact our presence in our locations and third- how we aspire to be a Global Leader provider in ELearning.

We hold on sustainability- on our determination that  translates more to our students, to our partners and to our people. Through Concordia  education, we  provide the community with graduates who don’t simply anticipate change but drive it.

 We thank  our partners , our students and alumni in all locations  and the leaders who  are pivotal in making our vision a reality.

Violeta Jerusalem MBA, Doctor of Education

Concordia – Global

By Will lee

He is a Concordia International University student from Korea.

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