CIC Newsletter Volume 12 (Concordia Global Spirit Shines at Hospicio de San Jose)

Concordia Global Spirit Shines at Hospicio de San Jose

               We are doing what we say that we are doing”….
Concordia Global  CEO

Last December 12, 2012 – was a day  to remember  for Concordia Philippines. This day gave  our staff and faculty  an opportunity to take time off from work and visit for the second time Hospicio de San Jose.  This is a day when they reflect on what it means to be member of the  Concordia Team on a holistic perspective. As the CEO of Concordia Global  noted “ Am proud of you.. we are doing what we say that we are doing”.

By visiting the Hospice and by giving service to the community is creating Concordia identity as an equal expression of college differentiation, from support of core business to employee- centered well being and corporate social responsibility.

Package of goods, clothings and healthy  meals were brought to the Hospicio for the children and old people. A touching moment for the staff to be among the marginalized as they gave not only material things  but of themselves to the community. Fulfilling  time had by all and definitely not to be the last.

Mr. Zaldy Daen, Head of Social Services and the employees of Hospicio de San Jose warmly welcomed the Concordia Staff with great appreciation and gratitude to Concordia Global’s contributions for its residents.

By Will lee

He is a Concordia International University student from Korea.

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