CIC Newsletter Volume 12 (Catalyze Innovation)


Concordia’s Key to Catalyzing Innovation through LEARNING CONTENTS

Concordia Global in all its locations   has  the mandate  to catalyze innovation and achieve growth from the very beginning of its operations. To establish a vision on a making the organization achieve its goals, in July   2012, the Research and Development Department has been created.

As its jump start . Concordia  searched and carefully  screened for  talents from a pool of distinguished members of the academe including a number  professors, scholarly writers, high school teachers, environmentalists  engineers , managers and specialists who can develop the  LEARNING CONTENTS that are  brand-aligned , flexible and  multi-disciplinary. Developing learning contents and innovative product development  shall  bring the extremely wide range of diverse learners to the heart of Concordia locations to enrol.  

Called Project Think and Write”,  the  R&D is created  in response to the current market demand for providing education to highly skilled and available workforce, locally  and globally.


1.CIC R&D  is committed to providing relevant LEARNING CONTENTS to the curriculum for  high quality  education programs  attuned to  both the local and international communities.

2.Called “Project Think and Write”, the R&D department develops unique and innovative program contents which enable qualified students to enrol and participate in Concordia Global Programs in secondary, post secondary or college and professional course through On Line and Face to Face delivery  by CIC  faculty in their native country.

3.Utilizing this format allows international students a more gradual transition period by focusing on language, cultural and personal  interaction  into post secondary,  higher education and graduate system.

4.In addition, the new programs developed  by the R&D team are “just-in-time”  innovative learning contents  which will  translate into a significant cost savings for families over the length of their student’s studies.

5.Concordia  courses shall  satisfy the requirements of the local  Curriculum and/ or  classes necessary to prepare students to succeed in the identified level courses.

6.This carefully designed Concordia curricula is transferable, fully articulated with, and accepted by educational institutions  within the locations of Concordia Global .

By Will lee

He is a Concordia International University student from Korea.

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