CIC Newsletter Volume 11 (Enterprise Leadership)

This issue of The Pillar  is dedicated to highlighting some of the recent developments in our campus globally as they pertain to the following  streams:

First Stream: Enterprise Leadership  is on collaborative, value adding role of the future in education. The photos below show Concordia Global as increasingly moving towards tackling complex  issues  that impact strategic planning for current and future locations such as visiting partner  sites in Grace Christian College and at the Landbank Main Office. The added challenge is not only how to anticipate changes but also how to incorporate those changes in the workplace’ needs and strategies .

In the next three years, Concordia Global will evolve  from  a subject matter integration specialist   to a change agent  in education viewed  as an essential equal partner to and for the business.

Concordia Global a subject matter integration specialist viewed as an essential partner by Landbank and Grace Christian College when CEO David Kang and President Joo of Concordia Korea visited the sites.

By Will lee

He is a Concordia International University student from Korea.

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