Cloud Nine College
Pathways to Your Future!
Our teachers and staff at Cloud Nine College understand that coming here to study is about more than simply learning. It’s about building new life pathways and new opportunities for yourself – at school, at work and in your personal lives. Everything we do and everything we teach is designed with these objectives in mind. Whether that is planning your lessons or organizing your activities.
Come and study at Cloud Nine College in the beautiful, safe and exciting city of Vancouver, Canada. You’ll develop a new set of skills that will help to create new pathways to your future, and make some great new friends along the way!
Why study at Cloud Nine College
Earn a Canadian Diploma / Certificate
Earn a Canadian Diploma / Certificate
We provide pathways to your future with a widely recognized diploma and certificate programs in the fields of Business, Sales & Marketing and Hospitality
Co-op Work Experience
Co-op Work Experience
Gain valuable Canadian work experience while enrolled in our Co-op programs
Work while you Study
Work while you Study
Work off-campus up to 20 hours per week while you study our Co-op programs and full-time during Co-op placement
Improve your Business and Academic English
Improve your Business and Academic English
Our experienced and certified teachers will guide you to improve your English and give you the confidence to excel in IETLS writing and higher academic studies
Cloud Nine College News
The cherry blossom, or Sakura, is the flower of trees in Prunus subgenus Cerasus. "Sakura" usually refers to flowers of ornamental cherry trees, such as cultivars of Prunus serrulata. Cherry blossoms have been described as having a vanilla-like...
Read MoreMarch
Cloud Nine College is no longer accepting the students for Concordia International College
Effective April 1, 2024, Cloud Nine College is no longer accepting the students for Concordia International College of Asia and the Pacific as it has developed its own pathway with UK universities ...
Read MoreJanuary
Winter Activities in Vancouver
Vancouver is the city called "the most desirable place to live in the world!" Though it's a chic metropolis, the vast outdoors is only a short distance away. As well as beautiful summertime with its moderate temperature and long daytime, Vancouver in wintertime is also attractive with many to do! ...
Read MoreDecember
Christmas party at CNC
On December 12, Christmas party was held on the Cloud Nine College campus. CNC students and teachers attended the party and enjoyed pizza and cake while socializing. It was impressive to see them enjoying talking with each other over juice and snacks. Also at the party, a quiz competition was...
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Our Personal Experience as Filipinos in Canada
It was during the pandemic in 2020 that we started thinking about going to Canada. We initially took the express entry route, but it was challenging to look for a direct employer that would provide a job offer. Later on, we decided to change our pathway to student, though it’s more expensive, but...
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Study, Work and Live in Canada
On November 23rd, our admin staff Cate conducted an online marketing presentation in the webinar "Study, Work and Live in Canada!" hosted by GENTLE FAMILY HOME TRAINING CENTER INC located in Philippine. In this webinar, we introduced pathways for immigrating to Canada to students in the Philippines...
Read MoreGlobal News
How to Use the Brain Efficiently
We often regard the brain as the master of our body. The misconception that thinking occurs solely in the brain has been reinforced by theories about the evolution of intelligence, Nintendo brain training games, and the legendary tales of geniuses with exceptional brains. However, recent scientific...
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The Evolution of Smartphones: A Historical Overview
Early Concepts and Beginnings The advent of smartphones traces back to 1992 with the introduction of IBM’s Simon, recognized as the first device to combine functionalities such as phone calls, email, and a touchscreen. This innovative device laid the foundational framework for future smartph...
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“제52차 국제문화교류전, 한-우즈베키스탄 수교 33주년 기념 전시회 개최”
외교저널 (Diplomacy Journal) 이정하 기자 | 2025년 새해를 맞아 한국과 우즈베키스탄의 문화적 유대를 강화하는 특별한 전시가 열린다. 제52차 국제문화교류전이 오는 3월 5일부터 11일까지 인사동 한국미술관 2층에서 개최되며, 양...
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The Impact of Climate on Students' Academic Performance
Climate change and environmental conditions have become critical issues influencing various aspects of life, including education. Research has revealed that rising global temperatures and deteriorating environmental quality significantly impact students' academic performance, cognitive abilities, a...
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The Good and the Bad When It Rains a Lot
Rain is a natural phenomenon that significantly impacts both nature and human life. It brings numerous benefits but also presents certain challenges when it occurs in abundance. Understanding these aspects allows us to appreciate rain’s dual nature. The Good Things About Heavy Rainfall Agri...
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The Risk of Senior Alienation in the Rapidly Evolving Digital Age
1. Internet and Digital Device Usage Statistics Our daily lives are now very closely related to digital devices. From cell phones, laptops, and smart refrigerators at home to Siri on iPhones, everything people use has become very digital. The advent of artificial intelligence and IoT (Internet o...
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